What People Say About
The Red Wagon School Supply Concierge Service

"Thank you all so much for doing this shopping for us! Just to be able to avoid the long lines, not being able to find what you need, and stuff scattered all in the aisles is everything! Delivered quick, packaged nice and neat for good storing, and now we are ready for school! "
Save yourself unnecessary stress and back-to-school headaches. Rochelle will handle all of your school supply needs with the best customer service you will ever receive. So grab a glass of sweet tea, email those school supply lists to The Red Wagon Company, sit back and relax!!!

"The best decision I've made all summer...hands down!
Honestly, I always felt like I just needed to do the school supply shopping because I'M MOM and that's what we do. Now that I'm over that insanity...I'm realizing letting people help you is the FAR BETTER OPTION! Jonathan and Rochelle are the greatest people which makes their business even better. Love them and love The Red Wagon School Supply Co."